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    ===== 47 2D 45 /____/__/__/|__/____/_____/__/__/|__/____/ 4E 41 XX =====

           ==// WELCOME, USER //==============// YOU ARE SAFE HERE //==
TXTVIEW_2.0.0.xc - www/index/about.txt


Welcome to my (SINEWAVE's) website :3

I can't think of a bio to put here, anyways I do tech and stuff UwU

Professional Nouns : she/her, they/them


TXTVIEW_2.0.0.xc - www/index/links.txt

Here are some websites I think are cool, among other such things

SINEWAVE annie's website oat.zone Mira maia dot crimew dot gay Utsuho Rocks Suricrasia Online Powered by Void Linux corru.observer Made with NeoVim Keep the web free, Say no to Web3 Piracy Now 88 X 31 Anarcho-socialist flag AACS encryption key, encoded into colours